Dental bonding is a straightforward and conservative dental procedure designed to enhance the aesthetics of your smile. Our experienced dentists may recommend this particular cosmetic treatment for a variety of cosmetic purposes, including closing gaps between teeth, improving the appearance of misshapen teeth, lightening stains or discolorations and restoring chipped or cracked teeth. To achieve a natural look, we carefully select a shade of composite resin that matches your tooth’s original color. If desired, we can use a slightly lighter shade to enhance the whiteness of your teeth.

When you receive dental bonding, our dentists will apply a composite resin material directly onto the surface of your teeth. This resin possesses a malleable and putty-like consistency when initially applied, enabling our dentists to mold and shape it precisely to correct imperfections in the appearance of your teeth. After shaping, the composite resin undergoes a hardening process, followed by meticulous trimming and polishing, resulting in a durable and aesthetically pleasing restoration.

One of the notable advantages of dental bonding is its efficiency, typically requiring just one visit to our friendly dental office. Moreover, this treatment often involves minimal to no tooth preparation, ensuring a quick and comfortable experience for you and preserving your natural tooth structure to promote better long-term oral health.

If you are interested in learning more about cosmetic dental bonding in Gaithersburg, Maryland, and how it can enhance your smile, please call or text Schneider Family Dentistry today at 240-654-3555 and make your appointment with Dr. Adam Schneider or Dr. Katie Staub!