Tooth recontouring, also known as cosmetic tooth contouring, is a treatment aimed at enhancing the aesthetics of your smile by improving the shape of your teeth. During this treatment, our skilled dentists will carefully remove small amounts of tooth enamel, which is the protective outer layer of your teeth. This precise adjustment to the enamel allows us to correct various cosmetic dental imperfections, ultimately giving your smile a more appealing look. In some cases, we may recommend combining cosmetic contouring with dental bonding to achieve the best possible results. The beauty of this procedure is that it can typically be completed in a single visit to Schneider Family Dentistry, providing you with a more beautiful smile without the need for multiple appointments.

Our dentists may suggest cosmetic tooth contouring if you have minor aesthetic concerns, such as slight tooth overlapping, irregularly shaped teeth, teeth that seem excessively long or large, small imperfections such as dips or bumps on the tooth surface, chipped or cracked teeth, adjacent teeth of unequal length or teeth that appear overly pointed.

Cosmetic tooth contouring is an excellent choice for patients seeking subtle improvements in their smile’s appearance. If you believe that tooth contouring in Gaithersburg, Maryland, could help you achieve your smile goals, we encourage you to reach out to our office at 240-654-3555 and schedule a consultation with Dr. Adam Schneider, Dr. Katie Staub or Dr. Thomas Tran. We are eager to assist you in achieving the beautiful smile you desire.