Dental cleanings and exams are fundamental components of maintaining optimal oral health. At Schneider Family Dentistry, we prioritize these preventive treatments to ensure your smile stays healthy and beautiful. During your regular checkup, our dentists and team will perform the following essential tasks:

  1. Thorough Teeth Cleaning: We meticulously remove plaque and tartar, also known as dental calculus. These accumulations, if left unchecked, can lead to tooth decay and periodontal disease. The cleaning process helps preserve your teeth and gums.
  2. Flossing and Polishing: To enhance the aesthetics of your smile and maintain oral health, we carefully floss and polish your teeth. This step contributes to a healthy, radiant smile.
  3. Comprehensive Dental Exam: Our dentists will examine your smile, searching for any signs of dental conditions or diseases that could potentially harm your oral health. Early detection is key to effective treatment.

We may also use dental X-rays to further examine your mouth and gain a deeper insight into your oral health, ensuring that you receive the precise care needed. Regular dental cleanings and exams play a pivotal role in preventing cavities, gum disease and addressing any dental issues promptly.

We recommend scheduling a routine dental cleaning and exam every six months. However, if your oral health demands more frequent visits, we will provide guidance accordingly. Additionally, if you experience dental emergencies, pain or injuries, please reach out to us as soon as possible. Call or text us today at 240-654-3555 to make an appointment with Dr. Adam Schneider or Dr. Katie Staub and learn more about the benefits of dental cleanings and exams in Gaithersburg, Maryland!